Your Real Estate Manual

Easy to understand documentation.

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Everything You Need To Know About New York Real Estate (EYNTKANYRE)

An online manual for everything you need to know about real estate in New York.

It is currently under development ... The navigation on the left side shows some of the topics that will be included in this online manual.

This website will gradually be filled with information.


This website is for informational purposes only. We do not warrant or guarantee the accurateness, completeness or adequacy of the information contained in or linked to the website.

Basically, all the information contained in this website is a written form of how a father would explain real estate to his kids. That is why the tone of voice sounds more casual -- and less formal or "professional". If you think this website is useful or helpful, enjoy reading!

Basic usage

Use the search bar (at the top) to find and jump straight to specific topics.

The navigation on the left-side of the website is there to list out different topics.

If you are viewing this website on a mobile device, the left-side navigation may be collapsed. Simply click on the menu icon in the upper left corner to open it.

Changing the theme

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